Monday, May 27, 2013

March Against Monsanto

I was so glad to see such a huge turn out for March Against Monsanto. 

I vend at my local farmer's market and made up signs and put them at my tables. I did get quite a few people commenting on them. I was in fact so pleased with the amount of comments regarding my signs, that I will be putting them up at my table each week. I will be making more so I can vary my messages each week. 

March against Monsanto on May 25th is just the kick off of a campaign. We need to do this regularly to raise more awareness. This is working to get more and more people involved in their food decisions. 

I am planning on helping people take more control over their food. We all need to start growing our own food on some level. 

There are certain things that anyone and everyone can grow in their home, apartment or anywhere they can hang a grow light or have access to a sunny window. 

Some low cost easy to start things can be purchased from your local grocery store. You can get a bunch of organic green onions and use the green tops and replant the white bottoms with the roots after you soak them in water for a few days. It is a very economical way to stretch your food budget and have fresh produce when you need it. You can also do this with celery and romaine lettuce too. 


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